Embracing The Rebranding Journey

This blog is a continuation of my previous blog post. You can read it here.

The Journey of Rebranding Continues….

I started following specific podcasts that will help cultivate my mindset, and my spirit towards rebranding and setting personal goals. I even implemented using the mindfulness app on my Apple Watch more often.

Before I started writing out my ideas, I purchased the old school journals, and notepads instead of using my Apple iPad. There is nothing like writing on paper your thoughts and vision for your brand. That’s right I started dating Old Faithful again. The good old pen and notepad. Also, I purchased Tabitha Brown’s book, “Feeding The Soul” to learn another perspective on living with joy and freedom.

Now, I am slowly emerging from my stack of research papers. I have decided that instead of setting up different businesses, I am actually creating different “Brands”. Thank God I discovered Morgan Debaun’s “Worksmart” and “The Journey” podcast. Morgan’s podcast episodes helped me to develop a clear and effective strategy when I started working on my new project. Now, I realized something about myself while I was doing my research. I can either lose interest or get burned out from the world of creating and social media. So, I have to fix this in order to maintain my brand. Also, everyone wants overnight success. The ugly truth is going viral overnight is a dream we all need to bury, and just look forward to putting in the time and energy it will take to build your brand.

Point blank and a period.

Have you noticed how many times I used the word “Research”? This is decided to take my time, and put in the work that is needed in order to have a strong foundation and develop a system that will prevent me from being burned out.

After listening to Morgan DeBaun, “Make Money on Social Media” podcast episode, I thought what is niche, and who is my audience? I narrowed it down to three top areas or niches that fit me. Media, music, and voiceover. Then I started researching different systems better known as apps. lol To help me create, and deploy my brands.

I will talk more in detail about my brands in upcoming posts. For now, I have changed my company name from Veronica Charnell Enterprises to Veronica Charnell & Co this is my personal brand.

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Stay tuned for part 3

In case you missed my first blog post you can read it here